Artificial slalom course

Venue information, technical parameters, contact information
Venue information:
White Water Centre (WWC) Prague – Troja is the famous all-season operated white water facility within Czech Republic. Slalom course itself was finished in early 80th. In the middle of 90th first construction phase of the modern boathouse was finished and during this year whole project is going to be finished. It leads to sport facility providing perfect white water terrain together with adequate back areas e.g. dressing rooms, accommodation, restaurant, gym etc.
First national competition was held in 1981 and first international competition followed a year later. Since that time tremendous number of the important events took place at WWC. Beside that, WWC serves as main training site for Czech canoe/kayak slalom racing national team and is used up by general white water public, youth and students.

Technical parameters
Length: 410m
Width: 12- 14 m
Drop: 3,6 m
Flow rate: 13 - 15 m3/s
Difficulty: WW 3 - 4

Contact Information:
White Water Centre Prague - Troja
Vodácká 1, Prague 7 – Troja; Czech Republic