One month to the final of the ICF World Cup 2019
The Czech canoe slalom athletes have started the season in great style. They manged to win medals at the European championships, junior events in Bratislava and Krakow and also took lead positions in the World Cup series. It is less than a month to the final of the ICF Canoe Slalom World cup in Prague (6. – 8. September) and we will also see the new world champions in extreme canoe slalom CSLX.
The artificial canoe slalom course in Prague – Troja has already seen the top paddlers this year during the ICF World ranking Race at the beginning of August. More than 500 competitors from all over the world took part in the second year of the new race. Now, the races continue with the 4th World Cup in Markkleeberg, Germany (30. 8 – 1. 9) and then they move to Prague.
The LOC in Prague will continue their work in Prague and will get inspiration from the last WRR race. “The final of the ICF World Cup is a peak of the season for us but the World Ranking Race was a good rehearsal for us. We know what to improve and what we need to work on now,” said the LOC president Jiří Rohan.
“Again, we could have seen that the canoe slalom people are like one big family which can work closely together when needed,” said the WRR organiser Lukáš Přinda.
The aims of the ICF World Cup organising committee stays the same: “To prepare the program the way to make the people feel that they are a part of the race and to show that canoe slalom is the sport which is really entertaining,” agreed the organisers.
More about the World Cup alos on social networks and #czechcanoe.
Program WCup:
We thank to the main partners and sponsor: SKUPINA ČEZ, Uniqa pojišťovna, Hlavní město Praha a Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR.
Photo: Jan Homolka