On Waves and Wings. Galušková wants to conquer Olympic course

galuskova uvodThe sparkle in her eyes is absolutely evident, whether she’s in canoe slalom or near airplanes. "I’m definitely riding a wave right now," smiles kayaker Antonie Galušková, who secured her spot in the 2024 Paris Olympics through a tough domestic nomination. Until recently, she was studying to become a transport pilot at CTU. "But because of sports, I switched to aircraft maintenance technology, which is something like an aircraft mechanic. I couldn't keep up."

She enjoyed the photoshoot at the airport in Prague-Letňany. In her busy sports schedule, she managed to escape to the hangar with her winged loves for a moment. "Switching to a different field was a very painful decision for me," admits the 23-year-old national team member. "During COVID, we had online classes, so I managed, but when I got to my second year and had in-person classes, it wasn't possible anymore."

Galuskova 2She does not like radical changes. However, she eventually decided, and relief came. "At that moment, it was the best thing I could have done. I felt relieved; I found a field that is quite similar. We study airplanes, we have engines, propellers, aircraft structures – very interesting things for me. Plus, I have an approved individual plan," explains Galušková.

From a young age, she was more of a technical type, but she was also interested in psychology. "But around the age of 13, I became fascinated with airplanes. I let it settle for a while and then I decided to take my high school graduation exams in math, both state and school exams, which was also a very difficult decision," recounts the two-time junior world champion. "But I did it, and in the end, it made my university studies easier."

Galuskova 3Galušková already holds a pilot license for ultralight aircraft. Before taking off, however, she thoroughly checks her machine. "I need to check if everything is sealed, if the engine holds, if I have enough oil, and when we start the engine, how the oil behaves, whether it’s overheating, how the RPM is," she lists. "It's important to understand it. You’re then more prepared for situations if something goes wrong."

One day, she might return to studying to become a transport pilot, and she sees her future with an airline. "But if they’re not hiring pilots, I'll go the mechanic route. I can hold a screwdriver," she laughs. "I think there isn't a single girl among the mechanics at Smartwings, so that would definitely be interesting."