The ICF World Cup was officially opened at the Mayor’s Residence

ICF Světový pohár ve vodním slalomu 6.6. - 9.6.2024A reception in honour of the stars who will compete this weekend at the ICF Canoe Slalom World Cup in Prague-Troja (7-9 June 2024) was held in the exceptional premises of the Mayor’s Residence of the City of Prague. The Mayor of Prague, Bohuslav Svoboda, welcomed all the athletes and guests present. Alongside him, the championship was officially opened by the Chairman of the Czech Canoe Union and former Olympian, Stanislav Ježek, and Jean-Michel Prono, Chairman of the Canoe Slalom Committee of the International Canoe Federation.

The World Cup in Canoe Slalom in Prague-Troja was officially inaugurated on Wednesday 5 June, at the Mayor’s Residence. The special reception was attended not only by members of the organizing committee led by Jiří Rohan, but also by representatives of the Czech Canoe Union, the International Canoe Federation, medallists, and the biggest stars participating in this year’s edition, as well as representatives of the event’s partners and sponsors.

ICF Světový pohár ve vodním slalomu 6.6. - 9.6.2024„On behalf of the Czech canoe union I would like to express our sincere gratitude for entrusting us I would like to thank our sponsors and suppliers for their support, especially appreciation goes to the Charles University, Faculty of Physical education and sports on who’s ground, this event is organized. We also thank to all volunteers and organizers for their hard work. While competition is serious, it should also be about enjoyment and friendship. Have fun,” said Stanislav Ježek, the president of the Czech Canoe Union.

On behalf of the International Canoe Federation (ICF), Jean-Michel Prono participated in the ceremony and handed out the starting numbers to the athletes, marking his last appearance in Troja in his current role.

“Thank you for all the support from the city when preparing this competition, especially under these difficult weather conditions. The organizing committee and the sponsors always do a good job, but it is always hard to keep the high quality, and I would like to thank you for this. This competition is very important for many athletes as it is one of the last before the Paris Olympics, so I wish them good luck. Enjoy the race. It has always been a pleasure to be here in Prague, and I always felt welcomed here,” said Jean-Michel Prono in his emotional speech.

ICF Světový pohár ve vodním slalomu 6.6. - 9.6.2024In the unique premises, considered an artistic and architectural gem in the Art Deco style designed by architect František Roith, the World Cup in Canoe Slalom was inaugurated by the Mayor of Prague, Bohuslav Svoboda.

“The space we are in is truly exceptional and we use it for special occasions. And we consider the Canoe Slalom World Cup in Prague-Troja to be such a special event,” said Bohuslav Svoboda. “It’s true that the battles here will be fierce, but it’s sport. Slalom is essentially manoeuvring. But unlike manoeuvring in politics, it is honest manoeuvring that requires skill. I am glad that people will be manoeuvring around me again, just to show what they are capable of. I wish all spectators to enjoy it and the competitors to perform their best,” he added.

The athletes will take to the start on Friday at 13:15. This year’s ICF Canoe Slalom World Cup promises thrilling and exciting moments that spectators can watch not only on-site but also through various media channels and Czech TV. For several days, Prague-Troja will become the focal point of the global canoeing community.


Pictures: Ludek Sipla