Ladies canoe got overruled by Chinese

Ladies´ canoe category brought a great surprise. The first and the second place took Chinese athletes Nangin Cen (129.86) and Qianqian Teng (137.03). Jessica Fox, who had been sovereign before, missed the gate despite an excellent first part. The third position in the Finals full of Eskimo rolls goes to Katarína Macová (141.53).

Jane celebrates victory

Czech representative Michal Jáně, who went to the course as second paddler wasn´t beaten throughout the whole race. His time 98.69 remained the fastest even after the run of Stanislav Ježek, the winner of the semi-finals, who finished at the 5th position at the end. Slovenian Benjamin Savšek (100.10) who became second in the World Cup Ranking in 2009, took the silver, and European Champion from 2008 Alexander Slafkovský (100.36), bronze position.

The first run of K1M was dominated by Alexander Grimm

The first run of category K1M finished too. The best time was reached by
 Alexander Grimm from Germany - 79.50s, followed by the winner of World Cup Series 2009 Peter Kauzer from Slovenia(79.93). The third was Czech kayaker Vavřinec Hradílek (80.74s). The second run of this category is beginning at 17.21. As in all categories only the better time is counted to the final results. Only 40 athletes will have chance to compete in Sunday's semifinal race.

Kayaker Grimm was better in the second run

Vavřinec Hradílek
Representative of Germany Alexander Grimm, who reached time 79.50s in the first run and in the second time he was even faster - 79.19s, goes from the first place to the Sunday's semifinal. The second best time -79.42 s - belongs to Dariusz Popiela from Poland. The third place is occupied by two excellent kayakers - Daniele Molmenti from Italy and winner of World Cup Series 2009 Peter Kauzer from Slovenia, who reached the same time 79.70s.

Brothers Pavol and Peter Hochschorner dominated the category C2

The qualifiction of C2 men was dominated by brother's couple Pavol and Peter Hochschorner from Slovakia, who won the last three Olympic Games and are multiple World and European Champions. They reached time 90.15s and go to tommorow's semifinal.The second was British couple Baillie-Stott with time 92.06s, the third were German representatives Becker a Henze with time 92.21s. All of the Czech couples successfully passed this race and we can seen and support them in tommorrow's race, in which best 20 couples will start. The detailed results are here.

Chinese surprise in C2 category

Without two touches made in the Finals no one would have beaten Hochschorner brothers. Despite the penalisation, they finished on the second position loosing on 33 hundreds of second against Chinese Hu a Shu, who were clean reaching the time 108.05. Bronze medal goes to Polish boat Szczepanski-Pochwala (108.70). Shocking can be called the mistake of Volf and Štěpánek (second in the semi-finals) who finished on the last position in the Finals.

Apology for the technical problems

We would like to apology for interruption of our internet broadcasting caused by fall-out of our server. We hope that everything is working fine tomorrow.

The first day of the World Cup has already finished

2divaci640The first day of the World Cup, which was devoted to the qualification runs, have already finished and the course for semifinal and final race has been prepared. The semifinal and final runs of C1 and C2 categories will be hold tommorrow. The kayakers will show their best on Sunday. Although in the area of artificial course there was heavily raining in the morning, during the day the weather was steadily improving. May be because of improved weather a lot of visitors came to support their favorites. The water level of Vltava River was stabile and didn't endanger today's race.

Austrian kayaker Corinna Kuhnle won the qualification race

The qualification of category K1W finished. The best time (87.78s) was reached by Austrian kayaker
Jana Dukátová

Corinna Kuhnle in her first run. Thanks to the very good second run (89.13s) the second place belongs to Slovakian winner od World Cup 2009 Jana Dukátová. The third place is occupied by British  Laura Blakeman, who was the second after the first run ( 90.67s), but in the second run she missed one gate and the penalization of 50 s was added to her time. The fourth was the best Czech for today Irena Pavelková, who managed to go through all gates in 91.04s.

The results of category C1 men - qualification

In the qualification the best time was reached by silver medails from Beijing and winner of last year World Cup series David Florence from Great Britain, who showed two great runs and with the time 84,65s goes to tommorrow's final. The second was Slowakian Alexander Slafkovský, who reached time 84,83s in his first run, but his second run was not as good as the first one, because he hit two gates ad the penalization of 4s was added to his reached time.The third was Frenchman Martin Thomas with the time 85,60s.