The qualification of double canoe changed into a Slovakian joust

There were only hundreths between the time of cousins Škantárs and brothers Hochschorners in both of the qualification runs. Nevertheless, Škantár's duo avoided mistakes and their final time was 96.88, whilst Hochschorners had the two seconds penalty, and their final time was 98.09. French canoeists Gauthier Klauss and Matthieu Peche kept themselves on the third place, even though they had a bad luck during their second run.


There are also four Czech crews between the twenty semifinalists. Complete results available here.


Double canoe semifinal takes place on Sunday morning, the final on Sunday afternoon.

The names of the thirty semifinalists are already known

Second qualification run in C1M category came right for Stanislav Ježek (CZE) since he had precisely the same time as Alexander Slavkovsky (SVK) in the first runs - 88.38. This time, Slavkovský got two time penalties. Australian Kynan Maley improved a lot. Due to the fact that only the better one of the two runs counts, he got the third place in heats thanks to time 91.26. 
Altogether, there's going to be 30 single canoeists in semifinals, 3 of them are Czech. Alongside Ježek,  there are Tomáš Indruch (4th place with a time 91.93) and Vítězslav Gebas (11th place so far with time 93.75).
Follow this link to see the overall ranking of men heats including the results from both runs.
C1M semifinal takes place on Saturday afternoon, final in the early afternoon.

Slovakian canoeists got the double runs under control

Škantárovi cousins clocked the best time in the first qualification run of canoe double. Ladislav Škantár and Peter Škantár outachieved Peter and Pavol Hochschorners by only a few hundreths (98.08 vs 98.20). French pair Gauthier Klauss and Matthieu Peche finished third with a time 98.99. The best Czech crew Václav Hradílek and Štěpán Sehnal holds the seventh position with a time 100.54. See the complete results here. The second qualification runs of canoe double take place at 12.26 am.

Katerina Hoskova overmastered the second heats of C-1 Women

The first qualification run did not work out well for Czech canoeist Katerina Hoskova since she was penalized three times. However, she qualified fastest for the semifinal. Her time was 115.15 without a single penalization. On the contrary, Mira Louen (GER) got the sixteen seconds penalization, so she's in final with the time from the first run (117.34). Another women canoists are Caroline Loir (FRA) and Rosalyn Lawrence (AUS) didn't even finish the second course.

Leanne Guinea, the favoured competitor, got to the semifinal, but it was really tight, as she currently holds the 20th position. She missed a gate in both runs, but the time 173.64 is still enough to get to the semifinal.

See the complete results of C-1W here including the times from both runs. Semifinal of this category will take place tomorrow morning and the final in the afternoon.

First position in the C-1 Women Races is held by German canoeist Mira Louen

Mira Louen from Germany, 21st when it comes to start-up mounting, beated the rest 23 competitors in a C1W category with a time 117.34. However, French Caroline Loir is divided by a tight time difference; hers was 117.58. The third best time (119.01) belongs to Australian Rosalyn Lawrence. Another Australian, Leanne Guinea, missed a gate and now holds 14th position. Full results available here. Second qualification runs of this category will take place at 12 a.m.

The Beginning

First runs C-1 (canoe single) Men have just launched the Canoe slalom World Cup Trója 2011. This Friday will belong to all qualification runs, the Saturday to men and women canoe single semifinals and finals (C1M and C1W), and men kayak (K1M). The programme of the whole World Cup will be over after semifinals nad finals of canoe double men (C2-M) and women kayak (K1W) on Sunday. You can find the detailed programme of the races here.


Up-to-date results can be found under Live Results. ČT4, the main Czech tv sport channel, is going to broadcast Saturday and Sunday runs live. This broadcast is available on our websites as well.


There will 56 competitors in today's C1M qualicifation, 24 competitors in C1W, and 36 crews in C2M, all struggling for the participation in semifinals. Spectators can see 56 women kayak paddlers and even 82 men kayak paddlers.

Prvními jízdami mužů v kategorii C1 (singlkanoe) právě začal Světový pohár ve vodním slalomu Trója 2011. Pátek bude patřit všem kvalifikačním jízdám, sobota semifinále a finále singlkanoím mužů (C1M) a žen (C1W) a kajaků mužů (K1M). V neděli bude program Světového poháru uzavírat semifinále a finále mužských deblkanoí (C2M) a kajaků žen (K1W). Podrobný program závodů je zde.

Opening gala banquet

FOTO The race is starting on Friday, but start numbers were given to the biggest leaders on Wednesday by Mayor of the City of Prague Bohuslav Svoboda and head og organization committee Jiri Rohan. The gala banquet was taking place in the residence of the Mayor.

TV Broadcasts

thumb_Ceska-televizeOnline Internet TV broadcast of the live feed from the Semifinal and Final runs from 2011 Canoe Slalom World Cup in Prague (Czech republic). The feed is also available later on demand.