Austrian Kuhnle won the first run of category K1W

The first run of qualification K1W has already finished. The fastest time - 87.78s - belongs to Austrian
Corinna Kuhnle, the second is British Laura Blakeman (90.67) and the third is Czech Irena Pavelková (91.15). Štěpánka Hilgertová reached the time 91.64s. That means sixth place for her. The second run of this category is starting at 16.20. Only 30 paddlers from 59 racers can start in Sunday's semifinal and final. Only better time from both runs is counted to the final results. The detailed results of the first run is here.

Interview with C1 paddler Leanne Guinea

Australian paddler Leanne Guinea was third in today's qualification of category C1 women. In the first run she reached the third best time - 109.65s and in the second run she was the fastest one - 106.6s. Our reporter interviewed her befor the second run. 

The World Cup has already been started

The World Cup began with the qualiciation of category C1 women. The best time in the first run 105, 57s reached only sixteen years old Australian paddler Jaeesica Fox. The race has been continuing with the category C1 men and C2 men. The second run of these categories will be hold in the morning as well.

You can watch the running results: Live Results (the botton is in the left menu)

The results of category C1 women

The category C1 women has already finished their qualification for tommorrow's semifinal. The best time 105,57s was reached by only sixteen years old Australian paddler Jessica Fox. The second best time 106,24s belongs to Chinese Nangin Cen and the third place belongs to another Australian woman Leanne Guinea, who reached the time106,60s.

Because before the race the jury decided that the best twenty women will go to the semifinal, all sixteen brave women, who were today competing in this category, passed their race successfully and we can see them in the tommorrow's semifinal. The best Czech paddler for today was Kateřina Hošková, who was 4th and reached time107,05s.



Doprovodný program

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Jako každý rok se můžete vedle špičkových sportovních výkonů těšit i na bohatý sportovní program. I letos jsme pro vás připravili oblíbené bungee trampolíny, které budou v provozu během celého víkendu. K dalším adrenalinovým atrakcím patří zdolání naší lezecké stěny, kde vás budou jistit instruktoři z FTVS UK s platnou licencí. Nejmenší diváci si svůj adrenalin mohou zvýšit v nafukovacím hradě nebo na dětském hřišti přímo před restaurací.

Interview with Richard Fox and Jiri Pultera

(VIDEO) Richard Fox, vice president of International Canoe Federation and Jiri Pultera, head coach of Czech team are speaking about World Cup in Prague - Troja and also about World Championships that is taking place in Prague - Troja in the year 2013.

Bet on slalom kayaking

tipsport-ticket Pairs of racers are prepared and it's just on you to estimate who will be faster. You can bet on the winners and on best three, best five or best ten racers. Thanks to cooperation with Tipsport you can bet on Saturday and Sunday in the areal in Prague - Troja and also on-line.


Let's have lunch of dinner with racers

logo-troja-cateringThere are many Olympic winners, World and European champions in the water sport area Prague - Troja these days. There is a chance for you not only to watch them paddling on the water, but also meet them in our local restaurant. A special menu is prepared.

Invitation by Vavrinec Hradilek and Daniele Molmenti

Vavřinec Hradilek

(VIDEO) Nobody would be surpised if they won - czech racer Vavrinec Hradilek and Italian Daniele Molmenti. In the interview with John Hastings they are speaking about actual situation in Prague, canceled European Championship 2010 and also about World Championships, that is taking place in Prague in the year 2013. In the interview you can find out, what they think about their competitors, e.g. Peter Kauzer.