Czech spectators saw first qualifications runs. Kudějová and Westley won the race

JH 00367Male canoists (C1M) and female kayakers (K1W) fought for the semifinal sessions. The winner of the first qualification became Brit Ryan Westley, kayakers 'were ruled' by Kateřina Kudějová from the Czech Republic. In total 55 canoeists took part in a two-round qualification. First twenty of them ensured a direct advance to the Saturday´s semifinal. Among the successful ones was the Czech duo Vojtěch Heger and Tomáš Rak.

I would bet the trophy will stay home, said Přindiš

WC2019 TK 07The biggest challenges of the season are ahead of the Czech Canoe Slalom Team. At the end of this week they will be competing at ICF Canoe Slalom World Cup in Prague. Later this month, they will be fighting for the titles at the world championships and the Olympic qualification´s spots in Spain. Jiří Prskavec, Vít Přindiš and Amálie Hilgertová revealed their ambitious at today´s press conference.

Riverside Cross attracted the crowd in the centre of Prague again

Hradilek 2Next special challenge for our paddlers coming to the ICF World Cup in Prague. The Riverside Cross Prague competition attracted the sport stars for the sixth time already last Tuesday (3). Competitors needed to fight with the water of Vltava River as well as to show their kills while throwing in the polo gate. The winners became in the K1 women´s category Luuka Jones of New Zealand, Pepe Gonçalves of Brasil among men´s K1, and Vojta Heger of the Czech Republic in C1 men.

Paddleride and Prague Riverside Cross start the week before the World Cup

1233496 420198384750833 1999442705 nTwo traditional events for all sports fans and public will come back to Prague also this year. Just before the start of the main event – the ICF Canoe Slalom World Cup in Prague on Friday 6 September 2019, all fans have a great chance to take part in traditional Paddleride. On Monday, 2 September, the tour across Prague starts at 16:00 from Boathouse in Troja.

Czech titles distributed on Lipno

vojtovaThe sixth Canoe Slalom Czech Cup closed the series of the canoe slalom events for this year in Lipno on 25 August. The overall victory went to kayakers Vít Přindiš, Veronika Vojtová, and canoeists Lukáš Rohan and Tereza Fišerová among women.

Tickets already in sale

prindisAlready at the beginning of September (6 – 8), the sports fans will have a great chance to meet the top paddlers in Prague again. The new European champion Amálie Hilgertová, World Cup leader Jiří Prskavec, the kayak U23 champion Tereza Fišerová and the foreign stars like Jessica Fox will come back to fight for medals in Prague – Troja. Now, the ticket sale starts of the upcoming ICF Canoe Slalom World Cup final and the CSLX World Championships.