Four Czech boats advanced into Saturday’s final

fiserovaCzech paddlers have a big medal chance in the first final day. Four boats in categories C2 and K1M managed to qualify into finals. The additional penalty eliminated Tereza Fišerová from final in category C1, so the Czech Republic has no representation in this category.


180601 me mh 0097 previewThe Friday qualifications are over at the ECA Canoe Slalom European Championships 2018. Here are the flash quotes.

K1: Ricarda Funk: “It was quite tough; the course is very tricky, especially in the middle part. I think for the semifinals I need to attack the course a little more. Of course I want to qualify into finals.”

Quotes from the Friday morning qualifications

180601 ME JH 027 MHere, we bring the quotes from the morning qualifications of the ECA Canoe Slalom European Championships in Prague.

C2: Ondřej Karlovský: „To be honest, I’m not satisfied very much with the performance. Kuba may agree with me. It didn’t slide so smooth on the water, it cost us a lot of power but finally we have qualified and that’s important.” Jakub Jáně: “First gates weren’t good and we couldn’t get into that. We need to deal with that.”

Favourite on a drip, champion on a couch and cooking premiere

kajakariThe biggest Czech stars of the upcoming European Championships will fight for medals in category K1. Two guaranteed spots have Ondřej Tunka and Vít Přindiš, the last spot took triple European champion and Olympic medallist Jiří Prskavec. Who will win in Troja? Will the European champion be from the Czech Republic at all? We will find the answers by the end of this weekend.

Opening ceremony in Hybernia: applause for the great show

hybernieEuropean Championship can be opened by various ways. The opening ceremony of the European Canoe Slalom Championships in Prague surely belongs to the most successful in history. It was situated in the centre of the capital city, in Hybernia Theatre. The long-lasting applause at the end of the hourly show was the best proof of the fact that the screenwriters and participants of the performance did an amazing job.

ČEZ Prague Riverside Cross 2018 results

C1mTuesday afternoon before the championships in Prague was traditionally dedicated to CEZ Prague Riverside Cross 2018. On Náplavka, we could have seen not only the athletes starting at the ECA European Championships but also Czech celebrities. The best of the bests was the cross country skier Lukáš Bauer.
The competition in this special event – biathlon joined together with canoe slalom was again under auspices of silver Olympic kayaker Vavřinec Hradilek.