Olympic Gold medallist from Rio won World Cup in Prague

Skantarove semiAlso finals of the C2 men was full of penalization. First two doubles marked 50s pen. when stern paddler did not make it to the gate. Germans David Schroeder and Nico Bettge finished with 2s penalization and took the lead. French Pierre Picco and Hugo Biso starting after them were faster in by 2,66s already in second split and went over Germans.

Penalization show in K1 women finals

Final runs of K1 women with ten kaykers in the startlist was full of penalizations for touching the gates. The only to perform the clear ride was Veronika Vojtkova nevertheless her ride was slow and did not ensure victory but lead to fourth place only. Gate number 15 was cursed from the semifinals and caused troubles in the finals as well.

Funkova finale

Two Czech doubles in the finals

Karlovsky Jane finalFirst clear run of the semifinals presented Chinese tandem Hongmin Yu and Jin Chen. Starting right after, Pierre Picco and Hugo Biso from France beated their time by 1,7s. First of three Czech doubles Tomas Koplik and Jakub Vrzan set the new leading time 112,93 and it was not beated till the end.

C1W win goes to Jessica Fox

jessica finaleCzech paddler Katerina Hoskova looked like the possible winner when she kept the first place even with two second penalization. But last to start was Jessica Fox , Australian star of canoe slalom.

Saturday semifinals of C1M, C1W and K1M

Dariusz PopielaTen finalists in each category emerged from Saturday`s morning semifinals which started at 9 am in no wind conditions and warm weather. Benjamin Savsek was the only one among C1M paddlers to squeeze the time under 100s. That happened even with two second penalization from the upstream gate number 16. The rest of the finalists were lined up between 100 and 104 seconds.

All Czech boats into the simifinals in Prague

karlovskyAfternoon program in Prague continued with qualifications of women kayak. Among the fifty-three racers there were four Czech paddlers: Veronika Vojtová, Karolína Galušková, Katerina Kudějová and Stepanka Hilgertova. They made it succesfully to the semifinals straight from the first run. The fastest boat belonged to a French athlete Marie-Zelia Lafonte with the time of 98.19, second place went to Jessica Fox of Australia and the third place went to home star Katerina Kudějová.